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If you want to know a little about me, it could be very hard to find me. You first might want to check the school. I could be in the Business Room for Business Professionals of America, the auditorium running sound for the next high school play, or downtown at the Vision_Tek building. That's only the school! I might be somewhere around town mowing a yard with my brother in our lawn business or in my backyard at my house giving 4-H agility lessons since I'm the county-wide agility leader. I could also be at the latest 4-H event with the Kansas 4-H Youth Leadership Council. Another place to check is the Lindsborg Evangelical Covenant Church running sound for a church service, wedding, or our Wednesday night kids ministry program.


Even if you check for me in all of those places, you still might not be able to find me. I might be out of town in Wakefield, Kansas, at my Grandpa's farm. Another possible place I could be is somewhere clear across the United States representing Kansas/McPherson County in a 4-H conference.

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